FX Margined Transactions has a high risk, leverage may increase gains or losses, not suitable for all investors.
Margined Transactions market can be highly volatile. The prices of Margined Transactions market will be influenced by, changing supply and demand relationships, governmental, agricultural, plans and policies for industry, commerce and trade, national and international political and economic events and the prevailing psychological characteristics of the relevant marketplace, and other market related events that cannot be measured. The prices of Margined Transactions market and the Underlying Reference Instruments and Indices may fluctuate rapidly and over wide ranges and may reflect unforeseeable events or changes in conditions, none of which can be controlled by the Client or the Company. Under certain market conditions it can be impossible to execute any type of Clients order at declared price. For example, Stop Loss order cannot guarantee the limit of loss. Before decide to trade FX Margined Transactions, the Client should be fully aware of the nature of the transaction and the extent to which it is. Should be based on their investment objectives, investment experience and risk appetite carefully consider whether such transactions are suitable for you. The possibility exists that you could sustain a loss of some or all of your initial investment, only genuine “risk” funds should be used in such trading. If the Client does not have the extra capital the Client can afford to lose the Client should not trade in the Margined Transactions market. Clients must ensure that they are aware of the risks, and seek professional advice if necessary.